How Far Can a Tree Lean Before It Falls in Texarkana, AR?

How Far Can a Tree Lean Before It Falls in Texarkana, AR?

Some trees naturally lean from the way they grow, and others can start to lean due to physical impacts or tree damage. Either way, most tree owners want to know, “How far can a tree lean before it falls?” Knowing the absolute maximum tree lean angle for stability is...
Do Mature Trees Need Watering?

Do Mature Trees Need Watering?

Do mature trees need watering? The short answer is that they may, depending on the circumstances. In this post, Hawkins Tree and Landscaping, Hope’s top-rated tree service, explains more about this subject. Read on to find out how to take care of established...
Five Trees Native to Arkansas

Five Trees Native to Arkansas

Given the variety of trees you can pick from, determining the best tree to plant can be quite a headache. Fortunately, if you are in Hope, AR, you can always choose to go with one of the many beautiful trees native to Arkansas. In this post, we will look at five of...
Why It’s Important To Raise the Tree Canopy

Why It’s Important To Raise the Tree Canopy

When the trees in an open landscape or park have large, low-hanging branches, they barely raise any eyebrows. However, in urban and suburban settings, low branches on established trees may sag or droop into unwanted areas, obstruct vision, interfere with traffic, and...
Your Guide to Pruning Young Trees

Your Guide to Pruning Young Trees

Are you a gardening enthusiast who wants to give your beloved trees the best start? Trimming them at an early age brings a wealth of advantages and helps them grow in a healthy, robust way. As the go-to tree trimming and pruning service in Texarkana, AR, we at...
Do Trees Ever Stop Growing?

Do Trees Ever Stop Growing?

Have you ever found yourself gazing up at a towering tree and wondered, “Do trees ever stop growing?” At Hawkins Tree and Landscaping, we understand your curiosity. Trees are fascinating organisms, and their growth patterns can be equally intriguing. In...
What to Put on Tree Limbs After Cutting

What to Put on Tree Limbs After Cutting

Sometimes tree limbs become overgrown and require you to prune away excess foliage. However, many Texarkana, AR, residents wonder if they should put something on the tree wounds to help them heal and promote healthy growth. That’s why Hawkins Tree and Landscaping put...
Cutting Lower Branches Off Trees: How Pros Do It

Cutting Lower Branches Off Trees: How Pros Do It

Cutting lower branches off trees is a terrific way to enhance their appearance while ensuring healthy growth. However, many Texarkana, AR, homeowners don’t know how to trim lower branches correctly and often cause more harm than good. Fortunately, Hawkins Tree and...
How to Prune a Mature Fig Tree the Right Way

How to Prune a Mature Fig Tree the Right Way

Learning how to prune a mature fig tree the right way is crucial if you want to have a healthy, beautiful tree. In this article, Texarkana’s tree trimming and pruning service providers will share tips on how to prune your mature fig tree. By doing so, our...
Does Trimming Trees Prevent Root Growth?

Does Trimming Trees Prevent Root Growth?

Does trimming trees prevent root growth? The short answer is “Yes.” However, when done properly, a healthy tree will quickly recover, allowing you to see the true benefits of tree pruning and how it can strengthen the tree’s roots. In this post, Hawkins Tree and...
Do I Need Soap to Pressure Wash My Driveway?

Do I Need Soap to Pressure Wash My Driveway?

If you’ve looked at hiring a pressure washing or tree service company to clean your driveway, you’ve probably noticed they use soap, but why? Does pressure washing use soap? The short answer is yes—pressure washers use soap. You may wonder, “Do I need soap...
Pressure Washing Chemicals: What Do Pros Use?

How Long Does It Take to Pressure Wash a House?

You’re probably familiar with the benefits of pressure washing your home, such as increased property value and lengthening the lifespan of your roof and sidings. However, you might wonder, “How long does it take to pressure wash a house?” It’s perfectly understandable...
Land Clearing Tools: What Professionals Use

Land Clearing Tools: What Professionals Use

Whether you’re getting ready to install a deck or you want to renovate your outdoor landscape, land clearing tools are a must. Quality land-clearing equipment makes the job quick, easy, and safe, and no self-respecting landscaping company goes without them! If you’re...
Three Reasons To Avoid DIY Land Clearing

Three Reasons To Avoid DIY Land Clearing

DIY land clearing is one of the foremost reasons residential and commercial customers request our services in Texarkana and other service areas. Land clearing projects involve tree removal, tree stump uprooting, and many other landscaping works. For best results,...
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